Training Delivery

In house training – This is the most cost-effective means to deliver training for our clients.  We come to your premises to deliver the training.  Generally, we can train up to twelve people at a time giving you the maximum flexibility and value.

Tailored training – We can put together a specific training course for you to meet your individual development needs.


IOSH Managing Safely (3 days)
IOSH Working Safely (1 day)
IOSH Managing Safely Refresher (1 day)
Culture Change (1 day)
Process Safety Management (1 to 3 days)
Investigation Training (1 day)
ISO 9001 Awareness and Internal Auditor Training (1 to 2 days)
ISO 14001 Awareness and Internal Auditor Training (1 to 2 days)
Safety Back to Work
Internal Auditor Training (1 day)
Health & Safety Legislation what you need to know (1 day)
Safety Leadership (1 day)
Introduction to COMAH Regulations (1 day)
Contractor Management (1 day)
Risk Assessment (1 day)
ISO 45001 Awareness and Internal Auditor Training (1 to 2 days)
Management of Change (1 day)

Popular Courses

IOSH Managing Safely
IOSH Managing Safely Refresher
ISO 9001 Implementation & Auditing
Risk Assessment
IOSH Working Safely
Nebosh Certificate
ISO 45001 Transition & Auditing
Incident Investigation